Why We’re Harvesting the First-Ever Certified Drought Tolerant Sod in BC

Here at Western Turf Farms, we believe that a move towards more environmentally-friendly sod is the right way to go. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ll be the first to grow and harvest 50 acres of the first-ever certified drought-tolerant sod in British Columbia. 

What makes our […]

Artificial Turf Fields – Just Say No!

Artificial Turf Fields Reported Health Concerns

We’ve all seen the sports fields made of unbelievably green artificial turf – at the local university, in the televised matches for soccer and football, and even at our local community parks where kids leagues play on the weekends. When it comes to artificial turf, it isn’t so much […]

2016-11-25T14:23:44-08:00April 13th, 2016|Blog, Sports Turf|

Natural Grass Sports Fields Beat Artificial Turf. Part 2

Natural Grass Sports Fields Beat Artificial Turf. Part 2

A little while back, we wrote about how natural grass turf beats artificial turf for sports fields. Are we a little biased? Sure. But it seems players, sports field superintendents and Forbes Magazine agrees with us. The only reason there’s any controversy at all seems to […]

2015-12-28T20:30:30-08:00January 23rd, 2015|Blog, Municipal Turf, Sports Turf|

Utility Grade Turf for the Lazy Maintenance Professional

Utility Grade Turf for the Lazy Maintenance Professional

If you’re a professional maintenance person in charge of tending to a municipal lawn, public park, roadside, city boulevards, sidewalks or other kinds of green space, you may already finding it difficult to keep up.

Week in and week out, that grass just keeps growing – and you’ve got […]

2016-11-25T14:23:45-08:00August 27th, 2014|Blog, Municipal Turf, Sports Turf|

Connecting with Our Community

Connecting with Our Community

Summer is always a busy time for us on our turf farm — but it’s also a time for getting out into our local community around our Abbotsford farm and beyond. At the Bear Mountain Golf Resort, we were pleased to meet the experts from the British Columbia Golf Superintendents’ Association, where you’ll […]

2015-12-28T20:30:31-08:00August 19th, 2014|Blog, Municipal Turf, Sports Turf|

How We Grow Grass on Our Turf Farms

How We Grow Grass on Our Turf Farms

Growing high-quality grass on our 500 acres of turf farms is a big operation. Even some of our longtime residential and commercial customers don’t necessarily know what goes into it: some might think it’s a simple matter of harvesting what nature gives us. The truth is that when […]

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